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Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market Key Insights
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market Analysis by Regions
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market Analysis by Segments
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market Size (current and future)
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market Competitive Benchmarking
3 years ago
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market Size And Forecast
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market was valued at USD 1.00 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 2.8 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 14.2% from 2019 to 2026.
The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Market report provides a holistic evaluation of the market for the forecast period. The...
With the development of brain-computer interfaces, the conventional usage of EEG equipment as a screening tool has expanded to include a variety of applications (including the detection of stress and tiredness) (BCI). More advanced uses for these gadgets are anticipated in the years ahead due to the rise in computer power.
The market will probably stimulate by continuous developments in sensor and computational technologies. Another contributing factor to the market's expansion is the ongoing research to develop cures for life-threatening conditions such as head trauma injury, mental disorders, sleep problems, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Additionally, clinical studies, research institutions, and governmental organisations have offered their assistance in investments, finances, and awards, which have sparked investigative activities to increase the usage of the brain-computer interface. However, one issue restraining the growth of this industry is the lack of qualified personnel to manage this sophisticated equipment.
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