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Data Acquisition Market Key Insights
Data Acquisition Market Analysis by Regions
Data Acquisition Market Analysis by Segments
Data Acquisition Market Size (current and future)
Data Acquisition Market Competitive Benchmarking
2 years ago
Global Data Acquisition Market is valued approximately USD 1.8 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 5.6% over the forecast period 2019-2026. Data management solutions play a key role in industrial sector in real-time decision taking. When businesses move into a data-centered approach in manufacturing and operations to retain a strategic advantage wh...
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Click to learn about Yvon Chouinard, founder of outdoor fashion brand Patagonia, who has recently donated his company to fight climate change.
Technology has also ensured that the global smartwatch market remains competitive, with the neck-to-neck competition due to several entries and increased R&D projects. Even amidst this, few businesses remain industry pioneers due to their significant market shares. Below we offer six of the most prominent smartwatch manufacturers worldwide.
Oral care has been a part of personal hygiene from the beginning. However, a notable portion of the global population didn’t prioritise it enough until the covid’19 outbreak. With dentistry costs increasing and households adopting hygienic and sanitised lifestyles- and mindsets-brands continue entering the international oral care industry.
One of the earliest comparison search engines in the world, Douglas Insights has added the industry trends, projections, driving factors, restraints, and opp...
The Douglas Insights Engine is the world’s first market comparison engine. People from all industries, including market analytics, research, business, and ev...
Douglas Insights has analyzed various aspects of the Digital Twin Market and revealed the changes in market trends due to the increased use of digital twin t...