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Functional Electrical Stimulation Market Key Insights
Functional Electrical Stimulation Market Analysis by Regions
Functional Electrical Stimulation Market Analysis by Segments
Functional Electrical Stimulation Market Size (current and future)
Functional Electrical Stimulation Market Competitive Benchmarking
3 years ago
Value Market Research deeply researched the Global Functional Electrical stimulation Market to foresee a significant growth in the industry over the upcoming years. The global functional electrical stimulation market report provides a complete industry analysis, market size, market share, growth trends, and forecasts for 2023 to 2028. The report starts with a detailed market introduction and an...
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is an advanced technology that uses low-energy electrical pulses to create artificial body movements among wholly or partially paralyzed individuals.
The market for this tech is driven by factors such as increasing musculoskeletal issues and advancement in medical science. Furthermore, more professionals from different medical fields are becoming aware of pain management therapies and their application in treatments.
There are now more physiotherapists for muscle weakness helping to decrease pain, repair muscles, and treat different body parts. People indulging in unhealthy habits and living a sedentary lifestyle will drive the demand for functional electrical stimulation. The significant challenges are the high operational costs of FES.
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