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Pseudouridine Market Key Insights
Pseudouridine Market Analysis by Regions
Pseudouridine Market Analysis by Segments
Pseudouridine Market Size (current and future)
Pseudouridine Market Competitive Benchmarking
3 years ago
The Pseudouridine market research report from Xinren Research is detailed study of Pseudouridine industry. Xinren Research has recently published latest updates in Pseudouridine market. The Pseudouridine market is a key to understand dynamics and key trends in this industry. The Pseudouridine report provides detailed market size analysis in terms of revenue i.e. USD million on global, regional...
Pseudouridine is a tumour marker, which is also an isomer of uridine. It can be used to measure the extent of malignant tumours in the body. Pseudouridine is also used as an mRNA therapeutic agent, which can also be used as a vaccine for different diseases.
The market for pseudouridine is predicted to grow considerably in the coming years as its medical uses continue to increase. mRNA isomers were also used to develop Covid-19 vaccines to combat the pandemic as well.
Currently, the biggest restrain to the market is the rapid destruction of mRNA introduced in the body, which means manufacturers have to modify the compound immensely to make it worthwhile.
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